I'll be Suzanne Schultz's guest on her show It's All About Art on Monday,
July 15th, 2013. The show will stream from the Boston Neighborhood Network
6-7 PM ET. You can watch by selecting the "Watch Now" link from the BNN
home page (top right).
http://www.bnntv.org/Please join us as we discuss my art, art in general, and anything else that
Suzanne wants to talk about.
About BNN: *Boston Neighborhood Network Television *is a nationally
recognized, award-winning community media center and 501(c)(3) nonprofit
which acts as a public forum for all Boston residents, nonprofit and
community-based organizations and educational institutions providing them
with affordable training and access to emerging media technologies.
About Suzanne Schultz: Suzanne is the founder of Canvas Fine Arts (
http://www.canvasfinearts.com/) a full service artist management and
representation company located in Boston. She places and promotes
established and emerging artists in non-standard venues like hotel lobbies,
high-end retail shops (Nieman marcus, Thomas Moser), and in her own
loft/salon/gallery. She also offers very informational and practical
introduction to art marketing workshops with excellent food and personal